- It produce trust- Trust in ourselves and in all those that are around you.
- By this, we can judge that what is wrong or right.
- It improves the relationship among our co-workers.
- It produce confidence.
- Honesty helps to establishing peace of mind.
- It also brings good health and happiness.
It is true that you can lie to everyone else, but you can never really lie to Yourself. If we are honest then we can respect our co-workers.Beside this, it is true that, Being HONEST never HURTS anyone.And if you are honest then all good things are happen with you rather than bad things.
Health or money got through dishonest that are not last long. If we are earning today, then definitely we will wasted that money tomorrow.But, dishonest man always unhappy internally. Whereas, an honest man that may be poor but he will be happy at end and also he is respected by all.So, always be honest with our co-workers. Sometimes, honesty helps in promotion to.