We can form first impression and overall judgement about people by the way of their dress. Also, It makes standard of positive impression.If everyone is in their dress, then it means that, all are equal in one team so, there is no discrimination in one group or among people.It also indicates that, all team members obey their rules and regulations in management .It indicates that the workers are in team and works as a member of your company.Some of the benefits of dress code are:
- It promotes a more serious atmosphere and emphasize academics and promotes good behavior.
- It also proven to increase achievement by encouraging workers to concentrate more on their work rather than other trendy clothes.
- It also reduces the social conflicts in group or team.
- It also helpful in safety purposes.
Visual uniformity in the workplace helps customer identity and promotes of "being team" among the workplace in an organization.
Yeah! dress code plays significant role in working atmosphere.